California Office of Traffic Safety “Cannabis Conversation” Webinar

Event Type
Featured Events
California Office of Traffic Safety

September 18, 2024 | 3:00 p.m. ET | Virtual

The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) invites you to an upcoming webinar to share valuable insights from the recent “Cannabis Conversation” focus groups to engage people in California on cannabis consumption and drug-impaired driving. The webinar will delve into findings crucial for shaping effective messaging and educational campaigns that influence positive behavior change on this important issue.

Join the webinar on Zoom.

In December 2022, OTS conducted seven focus groups—five in English and two in Spanish—with 47 adult cannabis users across California. These sessions provided a deep dive into the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to cannabis use and driving. Additionally, the OTS tested messages with participants who offered feedback on past campaigns aimed at reducing drug-impaired driving.

The results of this study are integral in refining media messages. These insights also serve as a critical resource for OTS-funded programs, ensuring that education and messaging are effectively tailored to the targeted audience.

September 18, 2024