Teen and Novice Drivers: Indiana

Full Privilege Minimum Age

Nighttime driving: 18 years

Driving with passengers: 16 years, 9 months with drivers ed.; 17 years, 3 months without driver's ed.

Learner Stage

Minimum Age (Years/Months)

Minimum Duration (Months)

Required Supervised Driving Hours (Night Hours)

15 with driver's ed.

16 without driver's ed.

6 50 (10)

Intermediate Stage

Minimum Age (Years/Months)

Nighttime Driving Restriction

Passenger Restriction (except family, unless noted)

16 / 3 with driver's ed.

16 / 9 without driver's ed.

First 180 days: 10 p.m. - 5 a.m.

After 180 days: 11 p.m. - 5 a.m. (Sun-Thurs); 1 a.m. - 5 a.m. (Fri-Sat)

First 180 days: no passengers
Teen and Novice Drivers
Full Privilege Minimum Age

Nighttime driving: 18 years Driving with passengers: 16 years, 9 months with drivers ed.; 17 years, 3 months without driver's ed.

Learner Stage: Minimum Age (Years/Months)

15 with driver's ed. 16 without driver's ed.

Learner Stage: Minimum Duration (Months)


Learner Stage: Supervised Driving Hours (Night Hours in Parenthesis)

50 (10)

Intermediate Stage: Minimum Age (Years/Months)

16 / 3 with driver's ed. 16 / 9 without driver's ed.

Intermediate Stage: Nighttime Driving Restriction

First 180 days: 10 p.m. - 5 a.m. After 180 days: 11 p.m. - 5 a.m. (Sun-Thurs); 1 a.m. - 5 a.m. (Fri-Sat)

Intermediate Stage: Passenger Restrictions (Except Family, Unless Noted)

First 180 days: no passengers