Recognizing the importance of oral fluid testing in drug-impaired driving investigations, the New York Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) used grant funding from GHSA and the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility ( to host a two-day DUID and Oral Fluid Workshop in June 2018.
Held in partnership with the Society of Forensic Toxicologists, the training brought together more than 150 traffic safety professionals from 15 states, including law enforcement officers, toxicologists and attorneys. Workshop sessions, led by a faculty of subject matter experts, considered the science of oral fluid testing, roadside testing capabilities, lab-based testing, and result interpretation. Workshop faculty also addressed policy and legal considerations and discussed how to implement a statewide program. Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to network with each other and hear from a number of roadside oral fluid testing manufacturers.
GTSC’s Workshop provided attendees with a better understanding of the difference between roadside and lab-based oral fluid testing, and how either or both methods could be implemented in their communities. The event was extremely well-received, creating a model for other states to consider replicating as they work to deter drug-impaired driving.