New York Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
The New York Governor's Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) is working with the New York Bicycling Coalition (NYBC) to implement a statewide mutual Respect bicycle safety awareness campaign.
In addition to the GTSC, other campaign partners include the New York State Department of Health and Coexist New York State.
The campaign seeks to encourage mutual respect between bicyclists and motorists and shared responsibility for bicycling and driving safely and legally.
The factors contributing to bicycle/motor vehicle crashes and conflicts vary among communities. Therefore, the campaign uses a data-driven and context sensitive appoach to increase public awareness of bicycle safety. It targets the ten counties and municipalities with the highest incidences of bicycle/motor vehicles crashes and works directly with local bicycle safety coalitions, traffic safety boards and transportation agencies to implement the campaign at the local level.
More Information
- Chuck DeWeese
Assistant Commissioner
New York Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee