GHSA has worked with NHTSA to identify the following performance measures for SHSOs to use in their HSPs and ARs.
Traffic Safety Performance Measures
NHTSA's State Traffic Safety Information (STSI) provides state-by-state FARS data that states will need for their traffic safety performance measures.
Bicycle Performance Measure
Beginning with the FY 2015 HSP, states will include an additional core outcome measure on bicycle fatalities. Below are three recommended SAMPLE targets (based on Maryland data) that states can use to draft their own bicycle performance measure.
- Three-year base year average and single-year target: Reduce bicycle fatalities by 17% from 6 (2010-2012 average) to 5 by December 31, 2015.
- Three-year base year average and single-year target based on a three-year average: Reduce fatalities by 17% from 6 (2010-2012 average) to 5 (2013-2015 average) by December 31, 2015.
- Single-year base year and single-year target: Reduce fatalities by 20% from 5 in 2012 to 4 by December 31, 2015.
A maintenance goal is also permissible: Maintain bicycle fatalities from 1 (2010-2012 average) to 1 by December 31, 2015.
Frequently Asked Questions on Performance Measures
State Traffic Records Systems Performance Measures
Model Performance Measures for State Traffic Records Systems is a collection of 61 voluntary model measures to help states monitor and improve the quality of the data in their traffic records systems. It covers all six traffic records systems: crash, driver, vehicle, roadway, citation/adjudication and EMS/injury surveillance. It also provides basic definitions for the six critical performance attributes: timeliness, accuracy, completeness, uniformity, integration and accessibility.