GHSA Publications

Each year, GHSA publishes reports for its members and partners on a variety of pressing highway safety issues.

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Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State

GHSA's data analysis, Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2023 Preliminary Data (January-December), projects that drivers struck and killed 7,318 people walking in 2023 – down 5.4% from the year before but 14.1% above 2019, the last pre-pandemic year.

Highlights of Association Activity, FY 2023

GHSA's Annual Report highlights the Association's accomplishments for the 2023 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023).

Image depicting a person crossing the street at a crosswalk

GHSA's annual spotlight report, Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2022 Preliminary Data, offers a comprehensive look at state and national trends in pedestrian deaths in 2022. The report projects that drivers struck and killed at least 7,508 people walking in 2022 – the highest number since 1981 and an average of 20 deaths every day.

Highlights of Association Activity, FY 2022

GHSA's Annual Report highlights the Association's accomplishments for the 2022 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022).

Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State 2021

GHSA's annual spotlight report, Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2021 Preliminary Data, offers a comprehensive look at state and national trends in pedestrian deaths for 2021.

Highlights of Association Activity, FY 2021

GHSA's Annual Report highlights the Association's accomplishments for the 2021 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021).

Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State

GHSA's Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2020 Preliminary Data and subsequent addendum offer the first comprehensive look at state and national trends in pedestrian deaths for the full year (January-December).

This special complimentary issue of Directions in Highway Safety, GHSA’s members-only newsletter, features a fresh look and a new Member Spotlight section.


GHSA’s publication, Understanding and Tackling Micromobility: Transportation’s New Disruptor, explores six challenges – oversight, funding, data collection, enforcement, infrastructure and education – and the role State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) and their partners can play to help address them.

GHSA Annual Report

GHSA's Annual Report highlights the Association's accomplishments for the 2020 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020).