"What's Your Goal?" Video

Washington Target Zero logo
Resource Type
State Highway Safety Showcase

Washington State’s traffic safety community established their Target Zero goal thirteen years ago. Since then, the plan that outlines the methods to achieve that goal has been updated three times.

The plan has become a living, breathing document used by behavioral change and emergency medical professionals, engineers, law enforcement, and many other community partners. The term "Target Zero" means something to these people who are so dedicated to working for safer roads. But if the citizenry doesn't know about the goal or about their role in achieving zero traffic deaths or serious injuries, how can it be accomplished? Washington State borrowed Nevada’s "What’s Your Goal" video concept to acquaint Washingtonians with Target Zero and added a second part to explain what the average person can do to achieve Target Zero in their own family

Washington Traffic Safety Commission


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More Information

  • Erica Stineman
    Communications Specialist
    Washington Traffic Safety Commission
Resource Category
State Highway Safety Showcase