GHSA maintains data on state laws surrounding a number of highway safety issues. Below is information regarding laws in Guam. For more information, consult the State Highway Safety Office.
Bicycle helmets required for all riders.
Helmets required for all riders and passengers under 18 and drivers licensed for fewer than 3 years.
Guam does not have any interstates. The maximum speed limits for cars and trucks are: 35 in rural areas; 15 in residential areas; and 15 or 25 in school zones.
From .08 to .10
Under 4 yrs in child safety seat
4-11 yrs and under 4'9" tall in child restraint or booster seat
12 and older (or 4'9" or taller)
No data
No data
No data
All riders
Yes. Primary law.
All drivers. Primary law.
Bicycle Helmet Laws: Guam
Bike helmets required?
Bicycle helmets required for all riders.
Motorcycle Helmet Laws: Guam
Motorcycle Helmet Required?
Helmets required for all riders and passengers under 18 and drivers licensed for fewer than 3 years.
Speed Limit Laws: Guam
Rural Interstates: Cars (MPH)
Guam does not have any interstates. The maximum speed limits for cars and trucks are: 35 in rural areas; 15 in residential areas; and 15 or 25 in school zones.
Alcohol Impaired Driving Laws: Guam
Ignition Interlocks
Child Passenger Safety Laws: Guam
Child Restraint Required
Under 4 yrs in child safety seat
4-11 yrs and under 4'9" tall in child restraint or booster seat
Teen and Novice Drivers: Guam
Full Privilege Minimum Age
No data
Seat Belt Laws: Guam
Type of Law
Distracted Driving Laws: Guam
Hand-Held Ban?
Yes. Primary law.