GHSA Publication

Each year, GHSA publishes reports for its members and partners on a variety of pressing highway safety issues. 

Directions in Highway Safety: Winter 2024 Issue

It’s been a notable year in traffic safety. The U.S. saw continued reductions in roadway fatalities while new partners and communities expanded collaborations to make our streets safer. Although some long-awaited rulemakings to advance vehicle technology moved forward, much more can and should be done. Check out “GHSA Wrapped” for more on our safety work over the last 12 months.

Directions in Highway Safety: January/February 2024 Issue

The United States is at a critical juncture in traffic safety. Roadway deaths are finally beginning to fall following the pandemic-induced surge. While this is welcome news, we as a nation can’t sit back and expect the numbers to improve on their own. Dangerous driving behaviors – like speeding, impaired driving and not buckling up – continue to kill people on U.S. roads every day.

Automated Enforcement in a New Era

A new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), with the support of State Farm®, examines traffic safety cameras – an underutilized tool in the fight to reduce dangerous driving behaviors that contribute to more than 100 people dying on U.S. roads every day. The report discusses the benefits of traffic safety cameras that detect speeding, red-light running and school bus stop-arm violations, and makes recommendations to states and traffic safety partners considering implementing or expanding the use of this proven technology.

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