
GHSA frequently publishes reports to help its members and partners navigate a variety of pressing highway safety issues.

Automated Enforcement in a New Era

A new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), with the support of State Farm®, examines traffic safety cameras – an underutilized tool in the fight to reduce dangerous driving behaviors that contribute to more than 100 people dying on U.S. roads every day. The report discusses the benefits of traffic safety cameras that detect speeding, red-light running and school bus stop-arm violations, and makes recommendations to states and traffic safety partners considering implementing or expanding the use of this proven technology.

Young Drivers and Traffic Fatalities: 20 Years of Progress on the Road to Zero

Young drivers are nearly four times more likely to be involved in a fatal traffic crash than their older counterparts, but a GHSA report confirms that crash and fatality rates for drivers under 21 have improved drastically over the past two decades – more so than for other drivers. The report includes an analysis of Fatality Analysis Reporting System data for 2002-2021, identifies the policies and programs responsible for the gains in teen driver safety and makes recommendations for building upon that success.

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