Wake Up Call! Understanding Drowsy Driving and What States Can Do
This comprehensive, first-of-its-kind report examines the cause and effect of drowsy driving as well as how states and others can best address it.
GHSA frequently publishes reports to help its members and partners navigate a variety of pressing highway safety issues.
This comprehensive, first-of-its-kind report examines the cause and effect of drowsy driving as well as how states and others can best address it.
GHSA's Annual Report covers association accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2016 (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016).
This report provides a first look at 2015 motorcyclist fatalities nationally and by state.
GHSA estimates a 10% in the number of pedestrians killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2015 compared to 2014.
This report takes a close look at the issue by examining rear seat belt use rates, state laws and enforcement, and public education efforts, and makes recommendations for states to help boost rear seat belt use through programs and policies.
This publication examines adults—other than parents—who have the opportunity to influence teen decision-making about driving and showcases several safe driving initiatives.
This report summarizes current knowledge of drug use by drivers and identifies actions states and other stakeholders can take to detect and prevent drug-impaired driving.
This report looks at nearly two dozen state policy, enforcement and education initiatives to help keep teen drivers' focus off their smartphones and on the road.
This report, made possible through funding from State Farm®, provides an overview of current pedestrian safety data and research and how states are using this and other information to address pedestrian safety through education, enforcement and legislative initiatives.
GHSA worked with NHTSA to help states determine how well each state's Police Accident Report (PAR) and crash database aligns with the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria.