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GHSA Policy on Driver Safety Issues

Woman in car pointing while driver is on his phone
August 13, 2023

This page contains an excerpt from GHSA's Policies and Priorities document outlining GHSA's policy on driver safety issues.

P.1 Drowsy Drivers

Fatigued, drowsy drivers of all types of vehicles are a major cause of crashes on the nation’s roadways. GHSA encourages continued data-collection, research and study into the issue of the drowsy driver and the development of appropriate and effective programmatic and legislative countermeasures.

GHSA urges states and communities to educate drivers about drowsy driving, train law enforcement to identify drowsy drivers and the role of fatigue in crashes, consider later school start times, and collaborate with industry, especially with night and shift workers, to encourage appropriate rest policies and practices.

P.2 Mature Drivers

Researchers estimate that the population of older Americans will expand significantly over the coming decades, leading to an increased number of older drivers on the nation’s roads.

The needs of mature drivers could be addressed by making highway signs bigger and brighter; maintaining roadway signs and markings to the highest level of accepted performance; passing safety belt use laws; adopting state uniform vision standards; and researching crash protection for mature drivers. In addition, early warning programs should be developed to help mature drivers better understand their driving capabilities. Improvements should be made in the licensing process so that safe mature drivers are kept on the road as long as possible.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) should provide technical assistance to states to help them implement the Older Driver Design Guide, and FHWA should evaluate the effectiveness of these improvements. NHTSA should work with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) to develop improvements to state licensing processes for mature drivers.

P.3 Young Adult Drivers

GHSA recognizes that the 21-34 year old age group is over-represented in traffic crashes and is one of the highest risk-taking group of drivers. GHSA supports all efforts to identify causes and implement appropriate countermeasures, including enforcement and education, to reach this specific demographic and to reduce its involvement in traffic crashes.

P.4 Workplace Safety Programs

GHSA recognizes that traffic crashes are the leading cause of death, injury and loss of lifetime productivity in the workplace. GHSA supports workplace safety efforts aimed at reducing traffic crashes on and off the job.

As part of a company’s or agency’s employment policies, employers should forbid impaired driving, ban text messaging and discourage the use of cell phones and other electronic devices when driving except in emergency situations, require mandatory seatbelt usage and obedience to all traffic laws and safe driving practices.

P.5 Distracted Driving

There are many distractions which may prevent a driver from focusing on the complex task of driving: physical tasks and activities within the vehicle, talking to passengers, observing objects and events outside the vehicle, using an electronic device, as well as cognitive tasks. Navigational interfaces and dynamic displays are available in most new vehicles and more will be available in the near future. These features may also distract drivers.

The federal government should fund considerably more research to determine the scope and nature of the distracted driving problem and effective countermeasures and the effect of electronic device use on driving behavior. GHSA urges the federal government, states, communities and partners to collaborate to collect more accurate data about distracted driving.

GHSA opposes federal legislation that would penalize states for not restricting the use of cell phones or other electronic devices.

The highway safety community should collaborate to better identify successful culture change strategies to prevent distracted driving. The federal government should fund a comprehensive media campaign to educate the public about the dangers of distracted driving and how drivers can manage driver distractions. Producers and providers of electronic devices and in-vehicle interactive system should also undertake major educational campaigns to inform the public about the proper use of these devices.

As part of their federal traffic safety grant agreement, states should encourage grantees to adopt policies that address distracted driving. State agencies should also be encouraged to adopt policies addressing distracted driving.

As part of a state’s graduated licensing law, novice drivers should be prohibited from text messaging or using cell phones and other electronic devices for non-emergency purposes while driving.

GHSA supports state legislation that would ban hand-held cell phone use and text messaging for all drivers, electronic devices used for entertainment purposes with video screens that are within view of the driver and school bus drivers from text messaging or using electronic devices except in an emergency. Legislation should include expansive coverage of device types and distracting activities; apply whenever a vehicle is traveling on public roads; minimize exceptions; and impose penalties consistent with other serious traffic violations.

GHSA believes that, when on the road, all drivers should not text message, use cell phones or other electronic devices, computers or other distracting devices except to report a crash to emergency responders. If a driver must use such devices to make a call or report an emergency, the driver should first stop in a parking lot or other protected area.

GHSA urges states to expand initiatives combating distraction to include all road users.

P.6 Ride Hailing

GHSA recognizes the potential for ride hailing services to reduce risks for all road users. GHSA encourages ride hailing providers to participate in behavioral safety programs.

P7. Secure Your Load

GHSA supports efforts to promote the safe transportation of vehicle cargo and debris, oversize loads and vehicle trailers.

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