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GHSA Policy on Miscellaneous Issues

August 13, 2023

This page contains an excerpt from GHSA's Policies and Priorities document outlining GHSA's policy on miscellaneous issues.

Q.1 License Plates

GHSA recognizes the importance of license plates in traffic safety enforcement. GHSA urges states to require front and rear plates, assuring that the plates are readable and reflective, using distinctive numbers that are retrievable through computer systems, thus preserving the value of license plates to the law enforcement community.

Q.2 Assessments and Training

GHSA encourages its members to take advantage of all of the assessments (e.g., traffic records, impaired driving, occupant protection, EMS, driver education, CPS, motorcycle, pedestrian, as well as road safety audits.) to examine the strengths and weaknesses of their programs and to facilitate strategic short- and long-term planning.

GHSA encourages its members to take advantage of GHSA training (e.g. Executive Seminar on Program Management) to strengthen state programs and enhance them by facilitating short- and long-term planning.