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Highlights of Association Activity, FY 2024

FY 2024 Annual Report header
July 1, 2024

GHSA's Annual Report highlights the Association's accomplishments for the 2024 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024).

The report provides updates on GHSA's activities and achievements, focusing on three key areas:

Collaborating with Congress and Federal Agencies

GHSA played a pivotal role during the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) implementation of revisions to federal behavioral traffic safety programs required by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The association collaborated closely with State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) and NHTSA to ensure that states have the necessary flexibility and resources to meet new requirements affecting highway safety planning and administration.

GHSA also participated in the work group tasked with producing the 6th edition of the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC), which aims to harmonize data elements, attributes, definitions and guidance to improve the timeliness and accuracy of Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data. GHSA also helped create a guide for SHSOs and their partners that includes nine key strategies for increasing alignment with the 6th edition of MMUCC and advancing data integration among each state’s core traffic record systems.

Advancing Traffic Safety Issues

Through its strong partnerships, GHSA awarded nearly $1 million in grants to its state members to address issues such as safe teen mobility, youth active transportation safety, alcohol and drug-impaired driving, distracted driving and providing access to advanced traffic safety data and analysis. The association also celebrated the 21st year of our partnership with Ford Philanthropy to make free safety training available to novice drivers through the Ford Driving Skills for Life program.

Expanding and Delivering Member Services

Expanding and delivering member services remained a priority for GHSA. Our Consulting Services Initiative (CSI) had a record-setting year, providing expert technical assistance to 21 SHSOs. We also hosted a successful 2023 Annual Meeting in New York City, where more than 800 traffic safety professionals gathered to discuss the Safe System approach, equity and other critical traffic safety issues. GHSA remained focused on providing educational opportunities to our members.

The graduates of our inaugural Emerging Leaders in Highway Safety Seminar continued to build their skills through online and in-person networking, and we’re looking forward to hosting the 2024 class this fall. Additionally, GHSA’s digital newsletter, Directions in Highway Safety, and a series of webinars kept our members informed on the latest traffic safety information, research and resources.