To reach more communities and advance equity in its traffic safety programs, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) held an innovative Equity and Engagement in Traffic Safety Summit on May 2 in Jefferson City. More than 50 government and nonprofit organization officials, local pastors, college professors, law enforcement and other community leaders from across the state traveled to the capitol city for an open dialogue about traffic safety and what should be done to make roads safer for everyone.
The Summit kicked off with introductions and an icebreaker designed to foster creative thinking and conversation. The participants were than briefed on the state of traffic safety in Missouri and nationally, which included a discussion of how people of color are disproportionately impacted by crashes. Presentations from Dean Scott, Program Manager at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, MoDOT Highway Safety and Traffic Division Director Jon Nelson and MSHP Captain John Hotz gave attendees an overview of current trends in traffic safety and dangerous driving, offering valuable context for the discussion that followed.