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MPO and SHSO Coordination on Behavioral Traffic Safety (BTS-06)

January 1, 2023

The publication presents evidence-based information and tools to help improve coordination between State Highway Safety Offices and Metropolitan Planning Organizations on behavioral traffic safety.

Project Overview

State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) administer grant funding provided by NHTSA to fund effective behavioral safety countermeasures to reduce collisions. With the introduction of federal requirements for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to develop safety performance measures and targets, these organizations are increasingly committed to identifying programs, policies, and projects to help meet regional, and ultimately, statewide safety goals. All states have one or more MPOs that are responsible for planning and programming funds in urbanized areas with at least 50,000 people. Behavioral traffic safety could be greatly enhanced by increased engagement between SHSOs and MPOs. 

The objective of this research was to develop guidance for MPOs and SHSOs to improve coordination on local and regional behavioral safety efforts to reduce the frequency and severity of traffic crashes. The publication presents evidence-based information and tools to help improve coordination between SHSOs and MPOs on behavioral traffic safety.