Project Underway
Injuries from motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of workplace death and a top cause of death for most age groups in the workforce. Medically consulted injuries in motor-vehicle incidents totaled 5.4 million in 2021, and total motor-vehicle injury costs were estimated at $498.3 billion.
Social norms learned in the workplace can affect our daily lives. An individual’s feelings of safety and security are influenced by workplace culture. More information is needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of traffic safety programs delivered in the workplace setting and how best practices can be replicated from States with current workplace-based traffic safety programs.
The objectives of this research are to 1) identify resources that utilize countermeasures proven most effective in raising awareness of the risk of motor vehicle crashes both on and off the job, and 2) provide actionable program tools (e.g., policy toolkits, infographics, employer-training modules, traffic safety outreach and education materials) for state highway safety offices and other stakeholders to engage workplaces and elevate traffic safety as a priority.
Similar to programs through which employees receive information on how to lower their blood pressure as a risk factor to heart disease and tobacco cessation tools to lower the risk of stroke and increase other health benefits, the workplace can be an effective conduit to share traffic safety information to homes and communities, potentially leading to fewer crashes, lost lives and debilitating injuries and cost savings to employers, such as lower workers compensation and employee plus family health insurance costs.
The desired outcome of the project will provide states with resources (and best practices), equip workplaces to deliver traffic safety education to their employees, save costs and save lives.