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Peter K. O'Rourke Special Achievement Awards

O'Rourke award

The Peter K. O'Rourke Special Achievement Awards recognize notable achievements in the field of roadway safety by individuals, coalitions, organizations, nonprofit groups, businesses, media, government agencies, universities or programs.

Now Accepting 2025 Nominations!

Nominations for the 2025 O'Rourke Awards are open through Friday, April 4. The award will be presented at a breakfast, sponsored by the National Road Safety Foundation and, at the GHSA 2025 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, August 27.

Submissions should address how the nominees’ traffic safety programs, plans, advocacy/legislation, reports and/or campaigns are positively impacting occupant protection; impaired driving; speeding or aggressive driving; driver distraction; law enforcement; driver education and training; traffic records; emergency medical services; micromobility; and bicyclist, motorcyclist or pedestrian safety.

About Peter K. O'Rourke (1943–1996)


Peter K. O'Rourke, past GHSA Chair and highway safety leader, began his career as a California highway patrolman, where he witnessed the devastating consequences of vehicle crashes firsthand. He served to make highways safer through many roles. He was Director of the California Office for Traffic Safety under two governors and was instrumental in the passage of several important pieces of safety legislation.

The national respect gained from his commitment to highway safety led O'Rourke to be elected Chair of GHSA by his peers. After leaving state government, he served as Vice President of The Century Council, where he worked on prevention of underage drinking and drunk driving.