GHSA Policy on Roadway Safety

This page contains an excerpt from GHSA's Policies and Priorities document outlining GHSA's policy on roadway safety.
This page contains an excerpt from GHSA's Policies and Priorities document outlining GHSA's policy on roadway safety.
Excerpted from GHSA Policies & Priorities
GHSA supports an emphasis on work zone safety and encourages public/private partnerships to address this problem. GHSA encourages enhanced public awareness of work zone safety through training, education, enforcement and the media. GHSA also encourages innovative approaches, such as the use of new technologies, to reduce injury exposure of persons in the work zone.
Coordination and integration of roadway safety, work zone safety, truck safety, rail grade crossing, emergency medical services and other safety programs with driver behavior programs are critical if safety activities are to reach safety goals and have a positive impact at the state and sub-state levels. GHSA strongly encourages every state to coordinate its overall highway safety program by developing a strategic performance-based highway safety document (a Strategic Highway Safety Plan or SHSP) that sets statewide safety goals and coordinates specific safety plans required by federal statute. The state Highway Safety Plan/Performance Plan (HSP/PP) should be coordinated with the comprehensive statewide safety plan and should strive to reach the safety goals expressed in the strategic state safety document. SHSPs should continue to include behavioral highway safety countermeasures. States should revise their SHSPs at least once in between federal reauthorizations.
GHSA urges states to continue to address the problem of grade crossing safety; develop plans for systematically correcting safety problems at public grade-crossings; utilize federal, state and other funds for implementing their grade crossing safety improvement plans; and enforce grade crossing laws. GHSA strongly supports Operation Lifesaver and continued federal funding for the program.
The Association urges states to utilize automated enforcement to address the problem of red light running, speeding, school bus and school zone violations, work zone violations, and distracted driving.
In order to maximize safety benefits, jurisdictions should use automated enforcement appropriately and effectively. GHSA therefore endorses the following principles: